Mobile Phones Buying Guides

Mobile Phones Buying Guides

Gavin Male

Posted on 28/06/2023

This buying guide could be a million words long, such is the choice of phones now available to you. However, here's a real "tip of the iceberg" guide to help you navigate your way through the crowded field of mobile phones.


Operating Systems

One of the first things to consider is the best operating system for your needs. iOS is the operating system solely used for Apple iPhones, and it's famous for making the devices so easy to use. On the other hand, Android phones have a variety of operating systems depending on what you buy, but their big advantage is the high level of customisation, so you can personalise your phone to your liking.



Screen size



The size of the screen will play a factor in your decision, depending on what you want the phone to do. If you want to use your phone as a viewing device for movies, or TV, or even gaming, then a bigger screen, well within the six-inch range is where to look. iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 8 Plus, and later Samsung Galaxy models are a case in point. Mid-sized screens are the most common, as most users can operate them with one hand and they fit comfortably in most pockets. The Samsung Galaxy S10 and iPhone 8 are some of the most popular medium-sized phone screens. However, if you want to simply make calls or send texts, why fork out for bigger screens when a small screen will do just fine? There are many smaller options out there, at smaller prices too.



You must consider the camera



For most consumers in Australia, their phone doubles as their camera. This makes the camera setup a vital factor in your purchasing decision. If picture quality is hugely important to you, then look at things like megapixels; the more there are, the sharper the image. This is true of rear cameras, and the "selfie" cameras on the front. If you like taking landscape photos, look for cameras with ultra-wide lenses. Other features to check out include stabilisation or low light functions. If, however, you're not overly concerned with picture quality, you can get decent cameras on budget phones without having to pay for extra technology you won't really use. 






If you want to keep all your music, photos, videos, and apps, then storage should be one of the first things to check. While a phone with 16GB of storage might look appealing, you should ask how much of that storage is already taken up by the operating system and pre-installed apps. If you want to put in all your favourite apps, then check the phone you have in mind can store them all, or if you can add external storage at a later date.



A processor with prowess



The better the processor, the better the performance. Again, if you just want to make calls and send texts, then a basic processor will suit you fine; this will be reflected in the lower price. However, if gaming, photography, and watching video are high on your agenda, you should pay more to get a high-performing processor. For example, the iPhone X uses Apple’s latest processor, the A12 Bionic, one of the fastest mobile chips available. When you're shopping around, always check the processor and see what it is capable of - it will make a huge difference.

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