Apple has introduced the iPad Pro in their recent Apple event, taking a break from the classic iPhone this time around. With its ultra-thin, portable design, it has been dubbed the thinnest ever Apple product. This shining device boasts the most advanced display on the planet, the Ultra Retina XDR, which delivers out of this world brightness, crispness, and contrast precision. The iPad Pro comes with the all-new Apple M4 chip, which is a GPU designed to launch performance to new heights, and deliver unparalleled graphics and AI capabilities. This tiny yet powerful chip is set to provide pro rendering performances up to four times faster than the M2(2) and a CPU performance up to 1.5 times faster than the M2(3). Slim and mighty, the iPad supports professional programs, high-performance games and even large creative programs.
Packing unmatched power into such a thin device means the iPad Pro is a platform for you to grow and thrive, from wherever you are, on-the-go, or nestled on the couch. Pair your iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard that fosters a seamless typing and trackpad experience. Not just any keyboard, it comes with a function row, and a larger glass trackpad featuring haptic feedback, empowering you with the tools for precise work and Multi-Touch gestures.
The new iPad comes with iPadOS, designed to forge a clear path through workflows and make a range of digital tasks simple and timely.
Creative. Hone your skills. Grow and thrive with the innovative and intuitive new iPad Pro.